Our Executive Board of 2023-2024

  • Summer Gerhardt - President

    Year/Major: Senior majoring in Genetics, Cell Biology & Development

    Best thing about AMSA:

    • Connections to physicians, med students, peers, community members, etc…

    • Pre-Med Dinner!

    • Tie-Blanket Social

    Activities outside of AMSA/hobbies:

    • Research in Sachdev Lab

    • Volunteer at Children’s

    • DCP at Arthur’s Senior Care

    • Soccer, rollerblading, camping

    Contact: Summer's Email

  • Prayag Rajagopalan - Vice President

    Year/Major: Junior in Neuroscience with Philosophy and Math minor.

    Best thing about AMSA: The connections I’ve made, both as friends with my peers and professional.

    Activities outside of AMSA/hobbies: Volunteer at UMMC, Research at Rivera-Mulia Lab, TASC tutor, Bhangra.

    Contact: Prayag's Email

  • Sydney Grefsheim - Treasurer

    Year/Major: Junior, Human Physiology & Spanish Studies

    Best thing about AMSA: Connections with peers & physicians, opportunities to be creative and be a leader, learning from those older than me.

    Activities outside of AMSA/hobbies: CNA at Fairview, volunteer at Gigi’s Playhouse, shadow at Children’s, reading, walking, coffee, family and friends!

    Contact: Sydney's Email

  • Anthony Pothacamury - Secretary

    Year/Major: Junior in Biochemistry with a Public Health minor.

    Best thing about AMSA: Hearing physicians share about their unique pathways and journeys into medicine. Accessibility to an abundance of various volunteering, clinical, and research opportunities.

    Activities outside of AMSA/hobbies: I am a research assistant in the RAD Lab, volunteer in the Allina Health Hospice Program, tutor through OCC, and a part of SALT Company. I also enjoy watching shows/movies and playing tennis!

    Contact: Anthony's Email

  • Mikayla Knouse - Travel Coordinator

    Year/Major: Junior Biology, Society, & Environment Major with a Public Health Minor

    Best thing about AMSA:

    • Feeling a sense of community amongst other pre-health students.

    • Listening to physicians share about their specialties, advice, and words of motivation.

    Activities outside of AMSA/hobbies: I work as a Clinical Research Coordinator and volunteer at the Aurora Center. I also love to paint/draw, hammock, and workout!

    Contact: Mikayla's Email

  • Matt Scalf - Events Coordinator

    Year/Major: Junior Biology Major, Management Minor.

    Best thing about AMSA: Premed Dinner, being surrounded by other Premed students.

    Activities outside of AMSA/hobbies: I like to play/watch soccer, volunteer at the children's hospital, and I work in the Lee lab on campus.

    Contact: Matt's Email

  • Ellie Piepgras - Health Advocate

    Year/Major: I am a junior studying Biochemistry with a minor in Leadership.

    Best thing about AMSA: The best thing about AMSA is finding a community with other pre-med students and getting to learn about the pre-med process through physician meetings and other opportunities!

    Activities outside of AMSA/hobbies: I am a research assistant in the Truong Lab, volunteer at Ronald McDonald House, and play intramurals. I also like being outdoors, reading, and trying new things with my friends!

    Contact: Ellie's Email

  • Laurynn Giles - Volunteer Coordinator

    Year/Major: Senior Genetics, Cell Biology and Development major, Pharmacology Minor.

    Best thing about AMSA:

    • Meeting new people & forming connections with peers who have similar ambitions.

    • Gaining access to great resources and opportunities!

    Activities outside of AMSA/hobbies:

    • Work as a Research Assistant for Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute,

    • Lead Research and Quality Intern in the Emergency department at HCMC ,

    • Volunteer at Children's Masonic

    • Chill Chess & Coffee Club

      Hobbies: reading, cooking, studying at cute coffee shops, going to sporting events

    Contact: Laurynn's Email

  • Hannah Marron - Public Relations

    Year/Major: Sophomore/Human Physiology

    Best thing about AMSA: The people and resources. You get to do so much with like minded people.

    Activities outside of AMSA/hobbies: I am a medical scribe with Emergency Care Consultants (ECC) and I play Dungeons and Dragons.

    Contact: Hannah's Email